"Heed" and "Epilogue", Contrasting Family Totems

Flatbed is pleased to announce the publication of two large chiaroscuro woodcut prints by artist Ben Muñoz. Muñoz, whose large woodcuts have gained much attention, worked with lead printer, Alex Giffen, at Flatbed this past January to develop these color woodcuts, known as chiaroscuro woodcuts. Chiaroscuro woodcuts are designed to print a mid-tone value while allowing the image’s highlights. Used by Renaissance and Baroque artists to render a more three dimensional look to the woodblock images, this technique added emphasis and definition to Muñoz’s contemporary prints.

The two woodcuts, “Heed” (shown on the left) and “Epilogue” (right) were printed in editions of 15 on Okawara paper. Each image is 62 x 36 inches on paper that measures 66 x 40 inches. Muñoz typically “builds” a totem-like composition with his images. Full of content, personal history and sometimes private humor, Muñoz’s totems can also read as a universal accumulation of experiences that pique the imagination. Both woodcuts are a part of Muñoz’s “Familia” series which pull from content from his family, personal history, and the complicated relationships involved with all things “family.” The large beasts that dominate the top of each totem pyramid seem to rule and define the whole. A mechanical bull tops “Heed” looming over a large “La Attracion Principal” sign pointing us in another direction and a fireworks stand under it all. Another sign reads “Welcome to America”. Muñoz has put together a solid whole full of discordant messages. “Epilogue” contrasts “Heed” with an alluring octopus ruling a space that feels more nest-like. Her arms connect and caress the space, the children’s ice cream truck and book but is settled on a platform filled with roses. Ancestral skeleton hands lift the platform above an arid plateau.

Both woodcuts are now available at Flatbed. Write or call for more availability and current price. For online purchase link to the Ben Muñoz collection here: MUÑOZ